What is 20-Mukhi Rudraksha?
- Param Brahma bestows his favour upon the 20-faced rudraksha.
- The Vedic Triune Godhead of Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh is referred to here as “Param Brahm.” The 20 facets of this holy bead are said to constitute a hyper-concentration of the divine forces of numerous centres.
- The very presence of this Rudraksha is a meeting point for the grace and wisdom of the gods. The acquisition, development, and wise use of knowledge that brings about satisfaction in material achievement all need both.
- Intelligent people can make money, but wise people know how to spread that money around throughout the course of their lives.
- This Rudraksha helps the user gain material success as well as enlightenment. The 20-facet Rudraksha is a powerful tool for the creative process.
- This ring ensures financial security for the wearer and his descendants. The wisdom gained from wearing this Rudraksha is said to unlock the door to the good fortune bestowed by Lord Kubera. Because of its rarity, this bead requires special care and handling.
Lord Brahma according to Vedic Scriptures:
- In Hindu cosmology, Brahma created the cosmos and all entities. Brahma, the father of dharma, is the author of the Vedas, the oldest and holiest Hindu texts.
- He is both Brahman, the Supreme Being or Almighty God. Brahma, a Trinity member, is less popular than Vishnu and Shiva.
- Brahma is more prevalent in texts than places and temples. Brahma temples are rare. Pushkar, Rajasthan, has such a shrine.
Brahma’s Birth
- The Puranas call Brahma Prajapati, God’s son. According to the Shatapatha Brahman, Maya created Brahma. Brahman produced water and planted his seed to create the universe.
- Brahma sprang from this seed’s golden egg. Brahma is called “Hiranyagarbha” Another tale claims Brahma was born from Vishnu’s navel’s lotus flower.
- Brahma gave birth to 11 “Prajapatis” and seven “Saptarishi” to assist him build the cosmos. “
Brahma Symbolism
Brahma has four heads, four arms, and bright red skin Brahma is the only Hindu deity without weapons. He carries a water-pot, spoon, rosary, or Vedas, and a lotus. He mounts a white swan and sits on a lotus.
Brahma, Cosmos, Time, Epoch
- Brahma rules ‘Brahmaloka,’ a cosmos comprising all the earth’s and other planets’ splendours. The Hindu cosmos survives for one day, the Brahmakalpa.
- This day lasts four billion earth years and dissolves the cosmos. Pralaya occurs during Brahma’s 100-year lifetime.
- Brahma’s life is split into one thousand “Maha Yugas” according to Linga Purana, which calculates the cycles.
Origin: Nepal. As per Rudraksha Upanishad, Nepali Rudraksha are considered more significant and beneficial than Indonesian beads. They are bigger in size & heavier in weight similar to the size of an Amla.
Ruling Deity: Lord Brahma
Ruling Planet: Planet Earth
Bheej Mantras: Om Namah Shivaye
Related Chakras: Ajana Chakra
Size of Beads: 24-32mm
How do you identify the original 20-Mukhi Rudraksha:
- Quality Rudraksha contains mukhis that have an obvious outline, which flow through their entirety. The majority of the time, single-mukhi Rudraksha beads with more than 12 lines can be made by traders with purposes of earning an impressive profit. The upper mukhi is created by the carving of the lower mukhi.
- As per Maha Shiv Puran, most way to know the authenticity of an 19-Mukhi is authentic is to break the beads along its center and count the number chambers.
- The lines in the chambers must be equal to the number of Mukhis located on the outside part of the bead. In X-rays, you can see the lines that are inside.
- The authentic Rudraksha is an exquisite body with clearly defined grooves or Mukhis. Artificially or fake Rudraksha may look identical to the original, but the features (Mukhis) don’t match exactly with genuine beads. Beads that weren’t created in full or consumed by insects have a greater probability of falling.
- The Rudraksha beads will spin in the event that you place it between two coins of copper, in accordance with the Copper Coin Test.
- A lot of people do this and do not realize the truth or why it is since they think it’s due to Rudraksha beads’ magnetic and physical characteristics.
- When you place a circular object (like the Rudraksha beads) within two smooth metal coins, it can spin as a result of the force of gravity acting on the pivoting area of the Rudraksha beads. It has nothing to do to the authenticity that is the Rudraksha.
- In the event that the Rudraksha is securely held between two coins or if its protrusions are smooth and do not block the motion, it could be that there is no spin at all.
- If customers notice that their Rudraksha beads don’t seem to spin easily when held in their hands and they are often tempted to jump into the conclusion that the bead is not real.
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